Lee Kang-in ignored Son Heung-min and broke through
안전놀이터 【토토 사이트.순위 추천】 ⭐️ 실시간스포츠 베팅사이트 안전놀이터 【토토 사이트.순위 추천】 ⭐️ 실시간스포츠 베팅사이트 안전놀이터 【토토 사이트.순위 추천】 ⭐️ 실시간스포츠 베팅사이트 안전놀이터 【토토 사이트.순위 추천】 ⭐️ 실시간스포츠 베팅사이트 안전놀이터 【토토 사이트.순위 추천】 ⭐️ 실시간스포츠 베팅사이트 안전놀이터 【토토 사이트.순
In the semi-final of the Asian Cup against Jordan in Allayyan, Qatar, on the 7th. In the 21st minute of the second half, Lee Kang-in (23, Paris Saint-Germain) drove the ball from the midfield and headed to the center. Son Heung-min (32, Tottenham) on the left side had no defenders attached. Hwang In-beom (28, Zvezda) looked at Lee Kang-in and pointed a finger at Son Heung-min to pass, but Lee Kang-in went in. Lee Kang-in, who was quickly overwhelmed by defenders, lost the ball. The ball was passed to Jordan ace Moussa Altamari (27, Montpellier), who eliminated all South Korean defenders and scored an additional goal leading by two goals. Korea lost powerlessly, 0-2.
This scene was also raised as it was belatedly revealed that there was a physical conflict between Lee Kang-in and Son Heung-min on the eve of the game. It was a story that Lee Kang-in did not pass on purpose because he had a grudge against Son Heung-min. Lee Kang-in was criticized for bringing his private feelings to the stadium.
However, soccer experts who have watched soccer for a long time had a different idea. They unanimously said, "It can happen quite often during a game." "Viewers who watch the live broadcast can see the stadium at a glance, but when they actually run in person, their view narrows," commentator Kim Dae-gil said. "We cannot use a scene that can happen frequently, independent of what happened on the eve of a game, as a basis for criticism of players." "If you specify a few players and scan the entire game, you will find such a scene," commentator Lee Sang-yoon said. 안전놀이터
Even if they do not get along well, it is common for them to exclude personal feelings and work together at a stadium. A case in point is Kobe Bryant and Shaquille O'Neill, two players from the Los Angeles Lakers of the U.S. National Basketball Association in the 2000s. Although they were feuding the whole time due to their different personalities and tastes, they performed perfectly on the court to win the trophy for three consecutive seasons starting from the 2000-2001 season. Only four teams in the 80-year history have won the 連覇 three times in a row.
There is also criticism of the Korea Football Association, which does not settle the situation. Lee Kang-in is full of malicious comments not only on his social media but also on his sister's account. It is also known that the advertising community is reluctant to Lee Kang-in. Son Heung-min's social media is also continuing to receive malicious comments. Experts said, "Someone should step up and show a movement to integrate the team. It will be difficult to seal as time goes by."
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